The Ohio House of Representatives recently announced the passage of House Bill 279, legislation that will expand the class of persons who may be designated as a power of attorney for the purpose of providing care and obtaining custody of a child, and enhance Ohio’s policies regarding kinship caregivers.

“Ultimately, the highest priority must be the welfare of children,” said Representative Cheryl Grossman, the bill’s sponsor. “I am proud to have sponsored this important bill that will support Ohio’s children.”
H.B. 279 continues to shore up Ohio’s current child custody laws by allowing a putative father of a minor to put his name on the Department of Job and Family Services’ putative father registry at any time. This legislation also specifies the types of agencies that may request search of a putative father registry and makes clear that the right of a mother or agency to make a request in not limited to situations of adoption.
Finally, this legislation requires the Department of Job and Family Services to develop recommendations for implementation of a subsidized relative guardianship program in accordance with federal law.
House Bill 279 passed in the House by a vote of 89-2, and will now be sent to the Senate for further consideration.
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