Last month, I wrote about, a website aimed at helping Ohioans looking for work to find jobs, as well as help businesses find qualified workers to fill open positions. Also last month, JobsOhio released a report that indicated the state’s private, non-profit economic development organization is making great progress in the areas of job creation and investment.

While we still have a ways to go, the June report is another indication that Ohio is moving in the right direction. At a time when our nation continues to struggle with high unemployment and stagnant economic growth, Ohio has been climbing out of this hole more quickly than most other states.
Over the past year, Ohio’s unemployment rate has dropped by 1.6 percent, which ranks fifth best in the nation, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sometimes, it can be easy to get caught up in the idea that jobs are created by government.
Rather, government’s biggest contribution to job growth many times is simply helping to create an economic climate that incentivizes entrepreneurs in the private sector to take risks, start businesses and hire employees. Throughout this General Assembly, Republicans in both the Ohio House and Senate have dialed back regulations and taxes that unfairly threatened business success and economic growth.
Rather than finding ways to punish prosperity, public servants should work with area business owners to find ways to promote job creation. That is exactly what JobsOhio has done since its creation early last year.
Finally, I would like to make you aware of an opportunity that helps area residents prepare for job-searching and future career development. The Geauga County Job & Family Services, along with Auburn Career Center ABLE, offers free adult education classes in math, writing, reading and GED preparation. The classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 PM to 4 PM at the Family Services Building (12480 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, OH 44024). If you are interested in taking some classes, I strongly encourage you to check it out. To register, please call 440-285-1116.
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