The very first bill to pass the House last year, which created JobsOhio, was a piece of legislation that focused specifically on job creation. At the time, Ohio’s economy had experienced several years of job losses and families were hurting. Although there is still plenty of room for improvement, the latest JobsOhio report indicates Ohio is headed in the right direction.

During the second quarter of 2012, which included months April through June, JobsOhio worked with 77 different companies, an effort that ultimately resulted in commitments of nearly 5,000 new jobs. Sometimes jobs numbers can appear on a page as just a jumbled mess of statistics. But it is important to remember there are people and families behind those numbers who have been hit hard in recent years.
These results built upon the results of last year, when JobsOhio played a role in creating more than 21,000 new jobs and a new annual payroll of nearly $5 billion. Over the past year, Ohio ranks fourth nationally in job creation and number one in the Midwest.
As Ohio moves along on its road to recovery, numbers like these are certainly good news. With 11 consecutive months of employment gains, Ohio has been one of the nation’s leaders in showing how to lead an economic recovery.
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