Each piece of legislation that works its way through the Ohio House or Senate is thoroughly debated and amended in order to make it the best bill possible. When we vote to pass a bill, we do so because we feel it will have a positive impact on Ohio and its citizens.

That has been the case with JobsOhio, which passed the Ohio House at the beginning of last year as an attempt to spark job creation and make our state more competitive nationally. In August, JobsOhio released its second-quarter report of the projects it has worked on from April to June 2012, as well as some of the long-term results the policy has had for economic growth.
The results were quite positive. During the second quarter of this year, JobsOhio secured commitments from 77 different companies to create a combined 4,666 jobs. Additionally, those commitments equal more than $200 million in new payroll, as well as a three-year return on investment of $31 million. That means that within three years the tax revenue generated from the increase in jobs will exceed the total investment made by the state.
People do not need to be reminded of the economic hardships that still face this nation and our state. Ohio is not back to where we all want it to be. But the state has been a leader over the past 12 months in turning a sluggish economy around. Much of it is due to scaling back unnecessary regulations that stifle job creation and lead to excess costs on small businesses.
We clearly have a ways to go in the effort to get Ohioans working again, but as the most recent JobsOhio analysis shows, our state is headed in the right direction. I believe the country could learn a lot by taking a page out of Ohio’s playbook.
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