Local business is a cornerstone to the economy of our community. Without its proliferation, the delicate economic recovery we have been witnessing would come to a standstill. That makes it absolutely vital to the well being of Ohio’s economy that the state legislature takes every step necessary to help Ohio businesses flourish. Unnecessary, cumbersome regulations must not halt, hinder, or interfere with the growth of private sector businesses. This is why I have chosen to stand behind Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 94, which will together ensure that local businesses have every opportunity to grow and thrive in our community by revising and removing any regulations that have stopped this progress in the past.

For years Ohio has had in place stringent, inhibiting regulations that have put unnecessary strain on local business, small and large. Too often, these regulations were applied arbitrarily and inconsistently, making it excessively difficult to start and maintain a business in a reasonable amount of time. Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 94 assure that these cumbersome, excessive regulations that hindered the growth of our local economy for so many years will finally be removed and local businesses can begin to grow with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

The passage of this legislation has created the Common Sense Initiative Office under the office of the governor. The CSI Office’s main goal is to review any regulatory practices within the realm of local business that may have an adverse effect on the procedure of a particular business or the conception and foundation of a new one. Funded with existing revenue and no new taxes, the CSI Office will be responsible for weighing the value of any existing regulation or proposed regulation against its potential harm on local business, changing them as needed to help foster the growth of businesses in our community. This process guarantees that the state legislature will continue to uphold regulations that are necessary and practical, while weeding out any that hinder private sector business operations.

Within the CSI Office, there will be a Small Business Advisory Council established to cater to the needs of small businesses in dealing with government regulations. Since small businesses often do not have access to the same legal resources as larger corporations, it is usually much harder for them to have their voices heard on the legislative forum. Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 94 will give small businesses unprecedented access to the legislature, effectively helping them blossom and thrive in the competitive business arena and providing a much-needed boost to our local economy.

Furthermore, the passage of the Common Sense Initiative will allow more access to the state legislature for public input. This ensures that the most pertinent, pressing issues are dealt with and any particularly concerning business regulations are handled quickly and effectively.

Passing House Bill 94 has created a massive wealth of new opportunities for businesses in Ohio to start, grow, and succeed in bringing newfound jobs and prosperity to our state. Without the inhibiting, ineffective business regulations of the past, new businesses will surely begin to form in Ohio, boosting our economic recovery and giving us a promising future for generations to come.


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