“We are so very fortunate to have someone like Mike DeWine who understands the gravity of the prescription drug abuse problem Southern Ohio faces,” Rep. Johnson said. “This is a situation that is measured in lives lost and state government officials must work together to ensure this problem continues to decline.”
The group Surviving Our Loss and Continuing Everyday (SOLACE) also attended the press conference to show their unified support for the attorney general and his efforts. Lead by Joanna Krohn, SOLACE is a group of mothers that have lost children to prescription drug abuse.
“We are so grateful that SOLACE joined us today to show their support,” Rep. Bubp said. “These women have turned tragedy into perseverance as they strive to ensure that others do not have to suffer as they have.”
In a release earlier today, Attorney General DeWine announced that his office is hiring Adams County Prosecutor Aaron Haslam as co-unit coordinator of its Special Prosecutions Unit. Haslam will coordinate the office's efforts with prosecutors and local law enforcement on prescription drug abuse. The Attorney General's Office also is hiring two additional assistant attorneys general with prosecutorial experience who will specialize in prescription drug cases.
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