“President Obama told the American public during the national health care debate that if we liked our current health care plans, then we could keep them,” Sears said. “Simply put, the Health Care Freedom Act ensures that Ohioan’s have the ability to not only keep their insurance if they like it, but to find a new one if they don’t.”
The Health Care Freedom Act would preserve the freedom of Ohioans to make their own health care decisions by proposing an amendment to the Ohio Constitution that prohibits any rule or law from forcing a person, employer or health care provider to participate in a health care system.
“We cherish freedom in America, whether it’s something as simple as where to eat, or something as difficult as where we want to raise our children,” Sears said. “For health care, this legislation emphasizes that the patient remains the most important figure in health care and allows us make our own health care decisions no matter if they’re hard or easy.”
Similar legislation has been introduced in several states. If passed, the Ohio Health Care Freedom Act would appear as a statewide ballot issue.
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